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What it does

  • Draws a texture onto the screen

Builder Parameters

  1. textureSize (Optional)
    • The size of the texture image file.
    • Default: 256x256
  2. uv (Optional)
    • The uv coordinate to draw from on the texture file.
    • Default: (0, 0)
  3. uvSize (Optional)
    • The size of the area on the texture to be drawn.
    • Default: the texture size
  4. size (Optional)
    • The size the texture should be displayed
    • Default the uv size
  5. texture
    • The ResourceLocation of the texture file.

Space Behaviour

  • Minimum


public class TestTexture implements UIComponent {
public UIComponent build(Layout layout) {
return new Center(new Texture.Builder(InventoryScreen.INVENTORY_LOCATION)
.withUvSize(new Vector2i(176, 166));

What it looks like