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What it does

  • This displays text. It is that simple.

Builder Parameters

  1. text
    • An ITextComponent object that represents the text string to be displayed. It can be constructed using a String object with the StringTextComponent class.
  2. color (Optional)
    • Color of the text.
    • Default: White
  3. overflowBehaviour (Optional)
    • Defines how the text is displayed when it exceeds the available space. If not provided, it defaults to OverflowBehaviour.OVERFLOW.
    • Default: Overflow

Size Behaviour

  • Minimum


public class TestText implements UIComponent {
public UIComponent build(Layout layout) {
return new Center(
new Text.Builder("Wow hello a lot of textttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt")

What it looks like

An image of text in effect