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What it does

  • This is just a regular slider you see in any UI.

Builder Parameters

  1. prefix (Optional)
    • The prefix that will be displayed before the value of the slider
    • Default: null
  2. suffix (Optional)
    • The suffix that will be displayed after the value of the slider
    • Default: null
  3. showDecimals (Optional)
    • Whether or not to show the decimal part of the slider value
    • Default: true
  4. value (Optional)
    • The initial value of the slider
    • Default: 0
  5. minimum (Optional)
    • The minimum value of the slider
    • Default: 0
  6. maximum (Optional)
    • The maxmimum value of the slider
    • Default: 1
  7. onPress (Optional)
    • Callback that will be triggered when the slider area is clicked
    • Default: null
  8. onValueChanged (Optional)
    • Callback that will be triggered when the slider changes
    • Default: null

Size Behaviour

  • Maximum


public class TestSlider implements UIComponent {

private double value;

public UIComponent build(Layout layout) {
return new Center(
new Sized(
Size.staticSize(200, 20),
new Slider.Builder()
.withOnValueChanged((value) -> this.value = value)

What it looks like

An image of slider in effect