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What it does

  • A container that can hold a single child UIComponent, with an optional background color.

Builder Parameters

  1. child (Optional)
    • The child UIComponent to add to the container. Set to null or do not call withChild to create an empty container.
    • Default: null (No Child)
  2. color (Optional)
    • The background color of the container. Set to null or do not call withColor to have no background.
    • Default: null (Transparent)
  3. sizeBehaviour (Optional)
    • Defines the size behaviour, max to fill all available space, min to use child size. If child is not defined min will not have an effect.

Space Behaviour

  • Defined by sizeBehaviour


public class TestContainer implements UIComponent {
public UIComponent build(Layout layout) {
return new Container.Builder()
.withChild(new Center(new Text.Builder("Blue!!")));

What it looks like

An image of container in effect