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Text Field

What it does

  • This is a basic text field that allows players to enter text into.

Builder Parameters

  1. message (Optional)
    • The narration message.
    • Default: null
  2. hintText (Optional)
    • The text that will be displayed in gray when there are no input.
    • Default: null
  3. onChange (Optional)
    • A callback that will be triggered when the input text changes.
    • Default: null
  4. validator (Optional)
    • A predicate that will be called when new text is entered to validate input.
    • Default: null
  5. formatter (Optional)
    • A BiFunction that is called when text is changed to format the text.
    • Default: null

Space Behaviour

  • Maximum


public class TestTextField implements UIComponent {
public UIComponent build(Layout layout) {
return new Center(
new Sized(
Size.staticSize(200, 20),
new TextField.Builder()
.withHintText(new StringTextComponent("hint text"))

What it looks like

An example of textfield in effect