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Basics of Tau

UI Component

UIComponents are the very foundation of Tau UIs. All Tau UIs will be made up of UIComponents. This is similar to Flutter's StatelessWidget.

A UIComponent is anything that can be displayed onto the screen. The fact that everything is a UIComponent means you can nest them as much as you want. In fact, that's how you would make more complex UIs without creating a indentation hell.

Creating a UI

You can get started with creating a Tau UI by simply creating a class implementing the UIComponent interface

Here is an example:

public class ExampleUI implements UIComponent {
public UIComponent build(Layout layout, Theme theme) {
return new Stack(
new Container.Builder(),
new Center(new Sized(
Size.staticSize(new Vector2i(100, 20)),
new TextField.Builder()
.withMessage(new StringTextComponent("Hello"))
.withHintText(new StringTextComponent("Hello!")))

So here, the ExampleUI is made up of a list of various UI Components. Let's take a brief look at each of them.


A Stack is a built-in component that takes in a list of UI Components and stack them on top of each other in the order they are declared in.


A Container is an empty space filling component. It can be filled with any color. Here, it's being filled with the built-in WHITE color


Here you can see that instead of instantiating a Container directly, it is instantiating an instance of Container.Builder. This pattern can be seen in many of the built-in components in order to clearly declare optional parameters. Note, that no build call was necessary. That's because the Builder also implements UIComponent and calls build automatically to reduce code complexity. However, some Builders which has mandatory parameter(s) will require a build call and require you to pass in the mandatory parameter(s) there.


The Center component will center its child to the space it's given by the layout. In this case, the center of the screen.


The Sized component will restrict its child to the given size. Size can be a percentage of the maximum space available, or a fixed size given in pixel space like it is here.

Text Field

The Text Field component is, you guessed it, a text field that you can input text into. Here you can see another Builder. Being supplied with a narration message and a hint text.


TextField uses a built-in called Widget Wrapper. It can be very useful, and it is something worth looking into 😄

Overall, this is what the UI looks like. Example UI Image