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Contributing to Tau

There are many ways that you can contribute to Tau.

1. Report Bugs

  • If you find a bug, report it on our Github under the issues tab on our Github repository. You can find a link to the Tau Github page on the bottom of the page in the footer.

2. Creating Mods with Tau

  • Yes! Creating mods with Tau is a form of contribution as well. It lets us know that our work is being put to good use. It also allows opportunity for you to find bugs, or create suggestions.

3. Create Suggestions

  • Another way you can contribute to Tau is to give us suggestions. Tell us what you would like to see in this library, if it is resonable, we will add it!

4. Making Pull Requests

  • If you want to directly contribute to the making of Tau, you can! Tau is open source, link to the Github is on the bottom of the page in the footer. Feel free to fork it and help us make Tau if you want.